Plants A-Z
Hydrangea seemanii
A delightful climbing Hydrangea with large, dark evergreen leaves and clouds of lace-cap clusters of creamy-white...
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Inula helenium
Vivid deep yellow flowers up to 6″ across open in clusters in late summer.The stems also bear 10″...
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Inula magnifica
Truly magnificent where there is room to show it off from top to bottom and where it will not be battered by...
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Kalimeris yomena Shogun
An autumn flowering, winter dormant perennial. A delightful little plant, essentially a variegated Aster. The...
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Lamium Orvala
Lamium Orvala is one of our prized woodland garden jewels! Instead of scrambling along the ground, L. orvala is a...
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Lathyrus vernus
A low-growing, bushy perennial that produces a very pretty display of purple-blue, pea-like flowers in spring....
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Leucanthemum maximum
Leucanthemum are commonly known as shasta daisys and are a must have for any garden. They come in such a wide...
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Leycesteria formosa Gold Leaf
A gorgeous form of this already multi-value plant bearing purple-bracted white flowers amongst crimson-tinged,...
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Ligularia dentata Othello
Sometimes called Elephant Ears, this is a bold specimen perennial that needs a moist location. Plants form a...
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