Leucanthemum maximum


  • Justifiably popular, this showy shasta daisy produces a profusion of single, pure white, daisy-like flowers up to 11cm across with bright yellow discs from June to September. It is very free-flowering and makes a stunning show planted in bold drifts towards the front of a sunny border. It combines well with any yellow Achillea, or with ornamental grasses. It also makes a good cut flower.

3 in stock (can be backordered)


  • Leucanthemum are commonly known as shasta daisys and are a must have for any garden. They come in such a wide selection that there truly is something for everyone.
  • Maximum is, as the name suggests one of the largest cultivars and possibly one of the most popular. The plants are semi evergreen perennials which means they have a dormant phase during winter, at this point they are evident as just short leaves. From spring they grow taller spikes which can reach up to 1m (in partial shade here at the Cottage)and are covered in white daisies with a yellow centre, each flower up to 11cm across.
  • Each plant once established can hold a few hundred blooms over a season. A very long blooming season right through to autumn.
  • Bold and beautiful this is a must have for beds borders and large containers.
  • Best in full sun in fertile but free draining soil and easy to grow.
  • Position: full sun or partial shade
  • Soil: moderately-fertile, moist but well-drained soil
  • Rate of growth: average
  • Flowering period: June to September
  • Hardiness: fully hardy
  • Eventual height & spread: 75cm x 50cm
  • Pot size: 1L