The Hot Border
Alchemilla mollis
An invaluable plant albeit a bit of a thug. Forms a mound of velvety rounded leaves. When their serrated edges...
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Astrantia Gill Richardson
A rather lovely Astrantia with large, dark red flowers, the bracts are tinged at the end very, very dark red and...
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Crocosmia Coleton Fishacre
Apricot-yellow, tubular flowers appear in profusion on branching stems above the bronze-flushed, olive green...
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Crocosmia Ember Glow
Arching sprays of bold, burnt, flame orange, funnel-shaped flowers appear in August and September among handsome,...
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Crocosmia Mistral
The bright funnel-like flowers of the Crocosmia (syn. montbretia) ‘Mistral’ will put a little fire...
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Crocosmia Severn Sunrise
With striking yellow,orange or red flowers, and abundant sword shaped leaves, crocosmias create a splash of...
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Crocosmia Star of the East
Of all the Crocosmia, this is my favourite. It’s taken a few years to build up some stock but here we are!!...
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Datisca cannabina
Stout stems, clothed in attractive pinnate foliage, arch over at the tips, weighted by long strings of tiny green...
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Euphorbia griffithii “Fireglow”
Of the many Spurge now available to gardeners, this is one of the easiest and most reliable, particularly in...
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Euphorbia stygiana
One of the largest Euphorbias and an extremely rare shrub now found only in the Azores Islands where it is almost...
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