The Cottage Garden
Alchemilla mollis
An invaluable plant albeit a bit of a thug. Forms a mound of velvety rounded leaves. When their serrated edges...
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Asplenium scolopendrium (Hart’s tongue fern)
A rather lovely, evergreen fern that is both eye catching and versatile.Each Spring fresh new tongue-like fronds...
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Astilboides tabularis
Large, round, simple leaves, the size and shape of a dinner-plate (or a tea-tray, in very moist soil), dimpled in...
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Campanula “Elizabeth”
Bellflowers are among the most popular of perennials. This midsized variety is perfect for the sun or part-shade...
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Campanula “Sarastro”
Campanulas are loved for their bell-like, usually blue flowers and long flowering season. Traditionally used in...
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Campanula takesimana
Campanulas have retained their popularity with gardeners for many years, and yet this elegant variety is...
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Centaurea montana
Purple to violet blue flowers up to 3″ across appear in profusion during late spring and early summer on...
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Cirsium rivulare ‘Atropurpureum’
This is a tall branching plant, each of its stems terminating in a group of richly coloured crimson flowers. The...
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Digitalis ferruginea gigantea “Gelber Herold”
Digitalis used to be called “Folks Glove,” because its flower resembled the finger of gloves worn by “good...
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Digitalis grandiflora
Extremely hardy, this is one of the toughest and best performers of all the foxgloves. The plants form low...
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