Lewis Cottage
Buried in glorious Mid Devon countryside, surrounded by four acres of wild, informal but beautiful gardens and woods, Lewis Cottage is a hidden gem of a garden, a wonderful combination of relaxed planting schemes and formal borders, with woodland areas dedicated to attracting wildlife.Its winding walkways, woods and glorious selection of unusual trees and plants have long been inspired by the gardening styles of Beth Chatto and many others.
Built in the 16th century by French Huguenot refugees, Michael, Penny and Richard took over an established but overgrown one acre woodland garden that has expanded over the last thirty years to its current size. Working mostly on heavy clay, the garden displays a large range of plants that can be grown in these conditions in both sun and shade. These are the plants that are the mainstay of our collection of plants for sale via our website or on our open days for the NGS
If you belong to a gardening club and would like to visit the garden or have a group of friends that would like to visit, please do get in touch via the contact page.