white flower
Lysimachia Ephemerum
Stately plant of quiet dignity. Upright, waxy, curiously grey-green stems and leaves topped with elegant...
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Persicaria Alba
During the summer this clump-forming perennial bears spires of pure white flowers which last into the autumn....
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Persicaria Red Dragon
Grown for its foliage rather than its flowers, ‘Red Dragon’ is an unusual herbaceous plant for the...
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Persicaria wallichii
This is a superb structure plant.Forms a tall columnar plant, composed of strong stems handsomely clothed in...
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Petasites japonica variegata (Nishiki-buki)
While flower-arrangers love the posy-like heads of pale yellow flowers which burst through bare clay in early...
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Petasites japonicus Giganteus
While flower-arrangers love the posy-like heads of green and white flowers which burst through bare clay in early...
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Polemonium caeruleum Album
Polemonium caeruleum album, often called Jacobs ladder is an old cottage garden favorite and a herb that was...
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Polygonatum falcetum variegatum
The graceful, arching stems of Solomon’s Seal add an exotic touch to the shade garden and are often...
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Polygonatum verticillatum
For those who value a change in form and texture this plant slowly forms a slender column to around 1m tall of...
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Symphyandra hoffmanii
In the first year, S. hofmannii forms long leaved rather wrinkly foliage rosettes, followed the next year with a...
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