the garden
Silphium perfoliatum
I first saw this giant from the US prairies in the newly planted long borders at Kew, planted with Filipendula...
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Strobilanthes atropurpurea
From Northern India, this is a handsome and unusual plant. Thriving in sun or part shade and any soil that is not...
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Symphytum Hidcote Blue
In late spring-early summer, S ‘Hidcote Blue’ produces branching stems which unroll croziers of red buds changing...
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Symphytum Hidcote Pink
Symphytum ‘Hidcote Pink’ is a pink flowered comfrey, with bell-shaped flowers in clusters, above...
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Symphytum ibericum
This is a most useful and handsome plant making impenetrable weed-cover in shade among shrubs. It forms mounds of...
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Symphytum officinale
Adorned with imperial purple flowers, this Comfrey appeared in the woodland drive this summer. I have no idea...
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Teucrium scorodonia crispum
Making ground-cover under shrubs, this unusual form of the Wood Sage has green suede-textured leaves with ruffled...
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Thalictrum Delavayi
This very elegant plant needs a cool place sheltered from wind, perhaps supported among shrubs or some...
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Thalictrum delavayi “album”
Distinctive for its gauzy white flowers with pale yellow stamens gracing sizable branched sprays, this classy...
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Thalictrum flavum glaucum
A strong stately plant with handsome powdery blue foliage and stiff, upright stems topped with fluffy soft...
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