Symphytum ibericum
This is a most useful and handsome plant making impenetrable weed-cover in shade among shrubs. It forms mounds of...
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Symphytum officinale
Adorned with imperial purple flowers, this Comfrey appeared in the woodland drive this summer. I have no idea...
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Teucrium scorodonia crispum
Making ground-cover under shrubs, this unusual form of the Wood Sage has green suede-textured leaves with ruffled...
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Thalictrum Delavayi
This very elegant plant needs a cool place sheltered from wind, perhaps supported among shrubs or some...
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Thalictrum delavayi “album”
Distinctive for its gauzy white flowers with pale yellow stamens gracing sizable branched sprays, this classy...
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Thalictrum Hewitt’s Double
Thalictrum ‘Hewitt’s Double’ has sprays of stunning, lilac-purple, double flowers during late...
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Trachystemon orientalis
Michael’s favourite ground cover plant. Superb for dense shade. Makes an important feature with large...
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Trollius chinensis Golden Queen
“Globeflowers” burst into colour in late spring and early summer, this variety having semi-double,...
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Trollius europ. compactus Lemon supreme
This Trollius is a compact form that stands at about half the height of the species. It forms a tidy compact...
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Uncinia rubra
This beautiful grass with nonchalant plumes brings a copper glow to the garden and patio which fits seamlessly...
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