the garden
Brunnera macrophylla “Hadspen Cream”
A superb specimen perennial, forming a clump of heart-shaped leaves boldly splashed with creamy-white and...
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Brunnera sibirica
This is Siberian bugloss, Brunnera sibirica. The real deal, not the lovely and available-anywhere...
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Campanula “Elizabeth”
Bellflowers are among the most popular of perennials. This midsized variety is perfect for the sun or part-shade...
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Campanula “Sarastro”
Campanulas are loved for their bell-like, usually blue flowers and long flowering season. Traditionally used in...
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Campanula takesimana
Campanulas have retained their popularity with gardeners for many years, and yet this elegant variety is...
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Centaurea macrocephela
C.macrocephela is a magnificent perennial that is ideal for providing vertical interest in a sunny well drained...
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Centaurea montana
Purple to violet blue flowers up to 3″ across appear in profusion during late spring and early summer on...
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Cephalaria gigantea
From a woody rootstock comes a basal clump of large divided leaves. Strong branched stems are flung well above....
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Chelone obliqua
Chelone obliqua is a neat, versatile plant that adds a lush background to the perennial border. Its height makes...
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Chelone obliqua alba
Chelone obliqua alba is as its name suggests the white version of the popular Turtle head plant. Like the more...
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