ground cover
Houttynia cordata Flore Pleno
A distinctive plant for cool moist soil or pond-side. Elegant heart-shaped leaves shaded with purple are strongly...
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Liriope muscari
Liriope muscari (Lily Turf). This is a good all rounder for every garden. Useful for ground cover, for edging...
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Lysimachia clethroides
Gooseneck loosestrife, Lysimachia clethroides, is a fast-growing clump-forming perennial, bearing fresh green,...
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Mukdenia karasuba
Spreading slowly by underground rhizomes to form a clump of rich green maple-like foliage, this attractive...
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Persicaria amplexicaulis Blackfield
I have become increasingly fond of persicarias. I suppose it is not so much that I like them as admire them –...
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Persicaria amplexicaulis Golden Arrow
Relatively new introduction to the Persicaria family, Golden Arrow possesses soft golden foliage which is a great...
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Persicaria bistorta superbum
Abundant slender shell pink pokers over handsome and luxuriant dock-like foliage, flowering May-July. Grows in...
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Persicaria Orangefields
Persicaria amplexicaulis, is a semi-evergreen, clump-forming perennial from which long, slender spikes clustered...
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Persicaria wallichii
This is a superb structure plant.Forms a tall columnar plant, composed of strong stems handsomely clothed in...
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Petasites fragrans (Butterbur)
Clusters of small sweetly scented daisy like pale lilac flowers appear in late winter or early spring. As the...
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