Lysimachia clethroides


A vigorous rhizomatous perennial from China & Japan, otherwise known as Gooseneck Loosestrife. Graceful white flowering racemes almost 20cm long have a delightful crooked neck which bends the inflorescence down before it twists up again. Flowers mid to late summer. Comes from wet ravines and damp woodland margins as well as in lush grassland, easy to grow in cultivation on most rich soils. 90cm. Hardy

Position: full sun or partial shade
Soil: deep, fertile, well drained soil
Rate of growth: average
Flowering period: June to August
Hardiness: fully hardy
Pot size: 1L
Eventual height and spread: 3ft x 3ft



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Gooseneck loosestrife, Lysimachia clethroides, is a fast-growing clump-forming perennial, bearing fresh green, pointed leaves, which turn orange-red briefly before falling in autumn. Its saucer-shaped flowers grow on long, slender arching spikes, reminiscent of a goose neck. It’s perfect for growing in a mixed herbaceous border, where its flowers will attract a wealth of insects.

Grow Lysimachia clethroides in humus-rich, moist soil in full sun or partial shade. It may need support. Cut back after flowering and dig up new shoots to control its spread.

Position: full sun or partial shade
Soil: deep, fertile, well drained soil
Rate of growth: averageFlowering period: June to August
Hardiness: fully hardy
Pot size: 1L
Eventual height and spread: 90cm x 90cm