Persicaria amplexicaulis Pink Elephant
From the name you would think that this would rampage through your border with no grace. Not true, it is short,...
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Persicaria Orangefields
Persicaria amplexicaulis, is a semi-evergreen, clump-forming perennial from which long, slender spikes clustered...
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Persicaria wallichii
This is a superb structure plant.Forms a tall columnar plant, composed of strong stems handsomely clothed in...
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Phlomis russeliana
Although it looks tender, this Syrian plant is actually bone-hardy, stout stems bearing tiered whorls of...
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Polemonium paucifolium
Long peachy trumpets with flared yellow ends and deep pink marking on the back, adorn this delightful, compact,...
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Rudbeckia maxima
Rudbeckia is a tough summer-flowering perennial that has great presence and grows almost anywhere that...
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Sambucus nigra “Milk Chocolate”
New form of Sambucus, Whilst the young foliage is a deep red wine colour, the mature plant has a soft reddish...
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Strobilanthes atropurpurea
From Northern India, this is a handsome and unusual plant. Thriving in sun or part shade and any soil that is not...
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Teucrium hircanicum (Caucasian Germander)
A useful vertical plant for virtually any soil or situation. Rather course, sage-like foliage. Each stem...
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