Lamium Orvala


Lamium orvala. This is the Big Daddy of the deadnettle world. The leaves are large and rough, set well off the stems on long stalks. The flowers are produced in a ring of half a dozen around each node up the stem. They are ruddy pink with wide open mouths and shaggy lips and more than a passing resemblance to a guard of Chinese dragons. It doesn’t spread around like so many of its cousins, preferring to make a statement where it stands. Spring flowering, for shade.

Position: Woodland
Soil: Any
Rate of growth: Moderate
Flowering period: Early Spring
Hardiness: Hardy
Pot size: 2L
Eventual height and spread: 12″ x 12″

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Lamium Orvala is one of our prized woodland garden jewels! Instead of scrambling along the ground, L. orvala is a handsome chap … an upright, tallish, clump-former, clothed in triangular, soft, highly veined, and somewhat hairy, serrated leaves. You can throw out your preconceptions about Lamiums because this bears about as much resemblance to those as a Mercedes does to a Ford Focus!. A strong deep- rooted non spreading clumper with textured foliage and pouchy mauve pink flowers. Simply  a long lived, Spring delight.
Position: Woodland
Soil: Any
Rate of growth: Moderate
Flowering period: Early Spring
Hardiness: Hardy
Pot size: 2L
Eventual height and spread: 12″ x 12″