Helianthus Lemon Queen


Helianthus Lemon Queen forms clumps of stout stems with many tall branching flowerheads of delicate lemon yellow in summer. One of the tallest daisy flowerers, particularly good when associated with miscanthus. Sunny open spot. Height; 1.8m – 2m.


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Helianthus can be tall, erect annuals, tuberous or rhizomatous perennials, with coarse simple leaves and large daisy-like flower-heads.‘Lemon Queen’ is a strong-growing perennial to 2m tall, with coarse, dark green foliage and light yellow flowers 5cm wide, with pale yellow ray florets about a dark yellow central disk. These radiant sunflowers are ideal for providing a splash of colour towards the back of a sunny border. Ideal for the novice or young gardener, gathered while still in bud they make long-lasting, contemporary cut flowers.Size 2L
Position: Full sun
Soil: Most soils will do!
Rate of growth: Moderately quick
Flowering period: Late summer
Hardiness: Hardy
Pot size: 2L
Eventual height and spread: 1.8m x 1m