Brunnera macrophylla “Hadspen Cream”


Brunnera macrophylla ‘Hadspen Cream’. Handsome heart-shaped leaves with an irregular, bold yellowy-cream edging which persists all season  Especially beautiful in spring with its delicate expanding cloud of pale blue forget-me-not flowers. The leaves are relatively long petioled and wavy in profile. Grows best in light shade

5 in stock



A superb specimen perennial, forming a clump of heart-shaped leaves boldly splashed with creamy-white and green, the edges later turning ivory and finally soft yellow. Sprays of bright blue Forget-me-not flowers appear in mid to late spring. This is a choice collector’s plant, much in demand, but with limited supply. Excellent for the woodland garden. Keep out of direct sun, as the white leaf edges will scorch easily. Gentler colouring than Brunnera “Dawson’s White” & easier to grow well, but needs partial shade & retentive soil.Looks wonderful throughout the year.

Position: Partial shade
Soil: Retentive
Rate of growth: Moderate
Flowering period: Spring
Hardiness: Hardy
Pot size: 1L
Eventual height and spread: 30cm x 50cm