Angelica archangelica


A great plant valued both for its architectural effect and delicate flavour. In its second year, arising from the broadly divided leaves, comes a stout branching stem ending in wide heads of cow parsley like flowers. The green seed-heads are most decorative. The young hollow stems can be preserved in sugar. Unfortunately, it is biennial, but well worthwhile to carefully place a few seedlings. Flowers in late summer.

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Angelica archangelica is a majestic biennial plant bearing huge, architectural flowerheads and delicate fresh green seedpods, in contrast with pink-flushed stems. It deserves a prominent position at the back of a border or in a wild part of the garden. All parts of the aromatic plant have culinary or medicinal uses, but it’s best known for its candied stems, used as a cake decoration. The flowers are attractive to pollinators and the seeds are eaten by birds.Grow Angelica archangelica in moist soil in partial shade and mulch annually with well-rotted manure or compost.

Position: Full sun

Flowering period: Late summer


Eventual height & spread: 2m x 1.2m

Soil type: Rich and fertile

Pot size: 9cm

Rate of growth: Moderate