the garden
Geum rivale “Lemon Drops”
Springing up as a chance seedling in Beth Chatto’s Essex garden, this trim perennial fashions soft yellow...
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Geum rivale “Mai Tai”
Also known as Avens, Geum rivale Mai Tai offers a soft romantic look to the early summer border. Plants form a...
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Geum rivale (Avens)
Nodding peach coloured flowers followed by spidery seed heads open from May to September on this lovely British...
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Gunnera Magellanica
Forms a dense mosaic of small, crinkle-edged leaves about 3 inches across which completely hides the tangle of...
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Helianthus Lemon Queen
Helianthus can be tall, erect annuals, tuberous or rhizomatous perennials, with coarse simple leaves and large...
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Heliopsis helianthroides
A vigorous spreading , clump forming perennial, the Heliopsis or False Sunflower comes into its own in late...
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Hosta “Lewis Cottage Seedling”
Hosta Lewis Cottage Seedling is an unnamed blue-green leaved variety grown from seed gathered from the garden 4...
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Hosta Krossa Regal
Hosta ‘Krossa Regal’ is a robust herbaceous perennial with bell-shaped pale purple flowers....
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Hosta Tall Boy
Makes an impressive clump of rich green, heart-shaped, long pointed leaves, with good veination. Large,...
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Houttynia cordata Flore Pleno
A distinctive plant for cool moist soil or pond-side. Elegant heart-shaped leaves shaded with purple are strongly...
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