Hosta u. undulata (mediovariegata)
An old standard, and one of my favorite hostas. It may not be as ‘special’ and ‘new’ as...
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Hydrangea seemanii
A delightful climbing Hydrangea with large, dark evergreen leaves and clouds of lace-cap clusters of creamy-white...
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Liriope muscari
Liriope muscari (Lily Turf). This is a good all rounder for every garden. Useful for ground cover, for edging...
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Lychnis Chalcedonica
Called Maltese Cross, or Jerusalem Cross, with cross-shaped flowers known since the Crusades. Small,...
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Matteuccia struthiopteris
Matteuccia struthiopteris is a wonderful deciduous plant is at its most beautiful in spring when the large,...
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Persicaria bistorta superbum
Abundant slender shell pink pokers over handsome and luxuriant dock-like foliage, flowering May-July. Grows in...
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Persicaria wallichii
This is a superb structure plant.Forms a tall columnar plant, composed of strong stems handsomely clothed in...
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Petasites fragrans (Butterbur)
Clusters of small sweetly scented daisy like pale lilac flowers appear in late winter or early spring. As the...
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Petasites japonica variegata (Nishiki-buki)
While flower-arrangers love the posy-like heads of pale yellow flowers which burst through bare clay in early...
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Phlomis russeliana
Although it looks tender, this Syrian plant is actually bone-hardy, stout stems bearing tiered whorls of...
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