Lysimachia Ephemerum


Commonly known as Milky Loosestrife, Lysimachia ephemerum forms a columnar clump of green/grey leaves. During summer tall spikes appear swamped in white buds. Buds open to fantastic cream flowers from bottom to top.Stunning towards the back of your border or beds, or alongside a watercourse. Moist soils are preferred, however, Milky Loosestrife can cope in any reasonably good soil. Often used by florists for cut flowers, this perennial can be divided during late spring.

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Stately plant of quiet dignity. Upright, waxy, curiously grey-green stems and leaves topped with elegant tapering spikes of pure white flowers and pink stamens. Forms a dense clump. Ideal for soils that tend to get wet.Finally makes good seedhead of round brown capsules.

Also known as Willow-leaved Loosestrife, this should not be confused with the noxious weed Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria). This is a completely non-invasive species, seldom seen in gardens. Plants form a bushy, upright clump of grey-green leaves, with tapering spikes of silvery-white flowers appearing in late summer. An excellent back of the border perennial, also useful at the waterside. An excellent cut flower, this is even grown commercially for florists. Clumps may be easily divided in early spring. Attractive to butterflies.

Position:Full sun/partial shade
Soil: Moist fertile soil
Rate of growth: Moderate
Flowering period:Late Summer
Hardiness: Hardy
Pot size: 1L
Eventual height and spread:120cm x 60cm